1. Never, and I mean NEVER, say the laundry is done, because unless you are in your birthday suit, the laundry is never done, and it can actually make you feel inept if you say it is done.
2. Do NOT fold underwear, in fact, do not fold anything, especially in the children s department. Simply 'bend' them. You know what I mean. Lining up all the parts so that this matches with that and that the crease is straight. Oh brother. Just BEND the clothes.
3. Then come up with a system. For example, I have a 4 bin sorter (Two 2-bin sorters). I have them lined up in my hallway next to the laundry closet. In this order, white, dark, light, and lastly towels. This will help keep whites out of light. Of course if your teen boys wash laundry, then you can pretty much mix it light, dark, red, silk, ... anything goes, it really doesn't matter to the teen boy,
4. Towels. Dirty ones have a way of multiplying. So here are a couple of tips. Give each child 1-2 towels depending on age and hair length. I have a towel rack in each of the bedrooms so that the children will hang their towels up there. I also do not fold bath towels but have a small white square basket labeled, clean towels. And I do not disclose all towels because these towels would be used in one day. I hide towels, and no one is the wiser. In fact, teens have been known to search, and when they can't find any more clean towels, they wash some. Amazing.
Please share your laundry tips.
These tips are great if you have a family, but I am single and I live in an apartment. I found this site and found this tip helpful, hopefully this link will work, http://unclutterer.com/category/ask-unclutterer/